Difference Between Overbite and Underbite

So what is the difference between overbite and underbite?

An overbite occurs when your upper dental arch overlaps over the lower arch.  A certain overbite is normal and your dentist can help determine if your overbite is not ideal.

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Dental Health Care for Seniors

The advancing age puts many seniors at risk of numerous oral health problems such as gum disease, sensitive teeth, tooth loss, tooth and root decay, dry mouth, denture-induced stomatitis. We just get one set of permanent teeth, hence it is critical to take care of them for our entire lives.

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Avoid Wrong Brushing Techniques

Are you regularly visiting your dentist for dental treatment? Then you should be taking care of your oral health more efficiently. Brushing and flossing your teeth is the easiest thing that you can do to make sure that your teeth, gums, and mouth are in good condition. If you do this daily task effectively you can protect your teeth from decay or a cavity and save yourself from expensive and invasive dental treatments and procedures.

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Reducing The Risk of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can be a common problem. When you lose one or more teeth, it may bring your confidence down and may make you feel insecure. Missing teeth also affect your oral health. There can be various reasons for the loss of teeth, it can be due to any accident or injury, periodontal disease, or extensive decay. There are professional dental treatments that you can undergo to fix your missing tooth problem, but there are a few steps that you can follow yourself to reduce the risk of tooth loss.

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Prevent Gum Disease From Ruining Your Healthy Smile

Gums are an integral and important part of your overall oral health, as they surround and give support to your teeth. When was the last time you actually paid attention to your gums? Our gums aren’t as prominent as our teeth and hence they are mostly overlooked by us. But our gum’s health is of utmost importance for having a healthy smile. Gum diseases can be a cause of tooth loss among adults. We don’t realize about gum diseases because it is mostly painless, therefore you may only come to know if you make regular dental checkup visits to your dentist.

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The Importance of Choosing The Right Toothbrush

When you talk about good and healthy oral care, choosing the right kind of toothbrush is a vital aspect of it. A toothbrush is a primary and an important element in everyone’s daily lives and is vital in maintaining your oral hygiene. There are countless options of toothbrushes out there and every company claims to have the best toothbrush for dental care. How do you pick the right one from the options available? Which one is the best toothbrush that will suit your teeth? Let us make your decision-making task a bit simpler.

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Remedies for Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity is a tingly feeling or a flash pinch of pain affecting either all teeth or one or more teeth. The pain associated with tooth sensitivity may occur constantly or intermittently. Intermittent tooth sensitivity can occur while ingesting hot or cold food or beverages, or when cold air hits the teeth.


  • Desensitizing toothpaste – There are several brands of toothpaste for sensitive teeth available. Your dentist may recommend one or you may have to try different brands until you find the product that works for you. Be sure to use fluoridated toothpaste for sensitive teeth, not whitening toothpaste. Try spreading a thin layer of the desensitizing toothpaste on the exposed tooth roots before bed.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Avoid highly acidic foods
  • Use a fluoridated mouthwash
  • Avoid teeth grinding

The Dental Visit

It is always best to see a dentist about sensitive teeth to determine the true nature of the sensitivity. During the consultation, your general dentist will ask you questions about the nature of sensitivity. Xrays and tests may be performed

Once it is determined that the cause does not require dental restorative treatment, your general dentist may apply an in-office desensitizer, which acts as protective coating designed to thwart any hypersensitivity.

The following are some dental procedures that may reduce tooth sensitivity:

  • Bonding, dental crowns or inlays – These may fix a tooth flaw or decay that is causing sensitivity.
  • Fluoride gel or varnish
  • Surgical gum graft – This will protect the root and reduce sensitivity if the gum tissue has eroded from the root.
  • Root canal Treatment – This is a last-resort treatment for severe tooth sensitivity that has not been helped by other methods.

So if you’ve been suffering with painful sensitivity that keeps you from eating the foods you love, make an appointment with your general dentist.

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Managing Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome, or BMS, is a chronic dental condition that is often described as a burning sensation felt on the tongue, cheeks, lips or entire mouth.

The most common symptom associated with burning mouth syndrome is severe burning. Generally, symptoms will begin in the morning and continue throughout the entire day, before reaching an elevated level of intensity in the evening.


BMS is often associated with an issue related to an individual’s sensory nerves or central nervous system. It could also be caused by an underlying medical condition, such as a nutritional deficiency or endocrine disorder, such as diabetes. Additionally, adverse reactions to some oral medications, food allergies and depression can cause the burning syndrome.

Psychological dysfunction

Personality and mood changes (especially anxiety and depression) have been consistently demonstrated in patients with BMS and have been used to suggest that the disorder is a psychogenic problem.


The dental professional will generally prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. However, for people with secondary burning mouth syndrome, the underlying condition is generally treated first. This is done in hopes of relieving any affects the BMS has on the individual.

In case of psychological problem, behavioural techniques in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome may be used to bring improvement in pain-coping strategies than to a “cure” of the disorder.

In addition to visiting a dental health provider for treatment, there are a few things you can do on your own to help relieve symptoms, including chewing sugarless gum, sucking on ice chips and avoiding alcohol and tobacco products. Additionally, keeping water handy to sip on throughout the day, as well as being mindful of your intake of irritating substances, such as spicy foods or products high in acid, can also help ease the discomfort associated with this condition.

The other treatment options may include:

  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Oral supplementation
  • High fluid intake
  • Local desensitization

Because BMS is a chronic problem, non-pharmacologic approaches like stress management/reduction, meditation, yoga, exercise, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, regular counselling etc. may help to reduce symptoms and keep drug dosages low. With any therapy for BMS, it may take several weeks or even months before maximum benefits are achieved.

Ref: https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/oralhealth/Topics/Burning/BurningMouthSyndrome.htm

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