Effect of Acidic Drinks on Kids’ Teeth

Fizzy drinks make fuzzy teeth! Keeping teeth healthy for a lifetime means preventing tooth decay and erosion. Though fluoride in community drinking water dramatically reduces the amount of decay in all age groups, tooth erosion is a newer phenomenon and one that is preventable.

What is erosion?
Erosion is the chemical loss of enamel due to acid. Acid is found primarily in soft drinks, sports drinks, juices and acidic foods. Acid reflux, vomiting and other illnesses that produce stomach acid in the mouth can also erode tooth enamel.

How do fizzy drinks make fuzzy teeth?
When acid continuously attacks teeth, they cannot repair themselves and will gradually begin to turn fuzzy and dissolve. Dentists consider every sip of a low pH drink an acid attack. Even one bottle of soda or a single sports drink, if sipped over hours, can do extensive, irreversible damage to tooth enamel. If high acidity drinks are consumed, it is not simply a matter of having a child clean their teeth an hour or 30 minutes later and hoping they’ll be okay – the damage is already done. Normally, there’s a balance between acids and protective mechanisms in a healthy mouth. But, once that balance is shifted in favor of the acids, regardless of the type of acid, teeth become damaged.

Often, children and adolescents grind their teeth at night, and they can have undiagnosed reflux, which brings with it acidity from the stomach. Combined with drinks high in acidity, this creates a triple threat to young people’s teeth which can cause long-term damage.

What can I do to prevent fuzzy teeth?
STOP the continuous acid and sugar attack on your teeth by limiting the quantity of soft drinks and sports drinks and instead choosing healthy drinks such as milk and water. Reduce the size of the drink and use a straw to draw the damaging liquid away from your teeth. Food consumed with acidic drinks can often help counteract acid attacks. Most important is to brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste before bed to reduce bacteria and to help harden your enamel. Wait at least one hour after drinking an acidic drink to brush your teeth to allow your saliva to begin the repair process. Drinking and swishing with water can also help.

Those with orthodontic appliances need to brush as soon as possible to remove food particles and plaque. They are at the greatest risk of decalcification and should limit soft drinks and sports drinks.

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Embarrassed To Show Teeth When Smiling?

Are you embarrassed to show your smile due to crooked, stained teeth, gum disease or bad breath?

Think about the following options:

1. Teeth whitening – It is a way to remove stains, bringing your teeth to a whiter color. Many dentists use in office whitening such as zoom, but there are also take home options available

2. Braces – Many people did not get orthodontic care growing up due to various factors. Now that they are adults, they may want to correct crooked teeth. Traditional braces or Invisalign are options available

3. Treatment for bad breath – No one wants to admit they have bad breath and sometimes we don’t even realize we do. The causes of bad breath can be from a variety of reasons, whether it be gum disease, tooth decay, sickness or personal habits. Each of these can be treated; if you come in for an appointment we can diagnose the best course of action, whether it be gum disease treatment, filling, root canal treatment, diet management or even to be referred to a specialist. Bad breath shouldn’t stop you from smiling anymore.

4. Veneers – Sometimes we don’t want to have to go through the whole process of braces just to close a gap and so an option to achieve a closed gap is to use porcelain veneers. Veneers can be used not only for closing a gap between teeth, but can also whiten stained or dis·col·or teeth or cover cracks, chips or serrations.

5. Regular dentist visits and teeth cleaning – The general perception of a dental visit is that the experience is painful and ends up being expensive. The thing is, the longer we leave an appointment the worse our dental hygiene becomes; meaning a higher likelihood of decay, gum disease, bad breath etc. The more regularly we visit a dentist the higher the likelihood of identifying problems early or potential problems

As can be seen, many of the things that keep us from smiling can be easily avoided or fixed. You don’t have to live in pain or discomfit as there are many options available to make you smile again. Not everybody is eligible for zoom, Invisalign, or veneers. For more information regarding your dental health, contact Expressions Dental.

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Tooth Cavities

Dental cavities are holes in teeth caused by tooth decay. Cavities are caused by tooth decay – a process that occurs over time. Here’s how tooth decay develops:

  • Formation of plaque – Your mouth naturally contains many types of bacteria. Some thrive on food and drinks that contain certain forms of sugar. When these sugars aren’t cleaned off your teeth, the bacteria quickly begin feeding on them and producing acids. The bacteria, form bacterial plaque — a sticky film that coats your teeth. If the plaque is not removed while it’s soft, it becomes hard and difficult to remove — a good place for bacteria to hide.
  • Plaque attacks – The acids in plaque remove minerals in your tooth’s hard, outer enamel. This erosion causes tiny openings or holes in the enamel — the first stage of cavities. Once areas of enamel are worn away, the bacteria and acid can reach the next layer of your teeth, called dentin. This layer is softer than enamel and less resistant to acid.
  • Destruction – As tooth decay develops, the bacteria and acid continue their march through your teeth, moving next to the inner tooth material (pulp) that contains nerves and blood vessels. The pulp becomes swollen and irritated from the bacteria. When decay advances to this extent, you may have a severe toothache, sensitivity, pain when biting or other symptoms. Your body also may respond to these bacterial invaders by sending white blood cells to fight the infection. This may result in a tooth abscess — a pocket of pus that’s caused by a bacterial infection.


There are two main factors to preventing them: oral hygiene and diet change. Good oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once, having a professional teeth-cleaning every six months, and having X-rays and a dental exam as recommended to detect cavity development.

Reducing the amount of sugar — especially sugary drinks and juices — can help prevent cavities. You may consider rinsing your mouth after eating sticky foods.

Dental sealants may help prevent cavities and are most frequently applied to the teeth of children after their molars come in. Sealants are thin, plastic-like coatings on the surface of the molars that prevent the accumulation of plaque.

Fluoride is another cavity-prevention strategy. It can be consumed in drinking water or as a supplement. Topical fluoride is frequently applied as part of routine dentist visits.

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What is Underbite, Overbite and Crossbite?

The correlation between your overall health and your bite is a direct one because if your jaws and teeth are misplaced or not properly aligned then this may affect your physical health negatively. You may find it difficult to breathe, speak, and eat and your facial appearance as well as smile can also change.


Ideally, the upper teeth are supposed to be slightly above the lower front teeth and the lower front teeth should lie slightly behind the upper ones. Underbite occurs due to the overgrowth of your lower jaw and/or undergrowth of upper jaw, or it could be a mixture of both. When a person suffers from underbite, the lower teeth hang past the upper front teeth. As a result, tooth wear happens and the patient may feel pain in jaws and joints. Underbite doesn’t only affect the upper incisor teeth but also the molars and the patient’s lower jaw becomes much more prominent

It is important to have the underbite assessed as soon as it gets detected. The condition may worsen if not treated timely and if it becomes a skeletal issue from a dental one then surgery may be required to correct it


Overbite is a condition in which the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth. Normally, our upper teeth slightly overlap the lower ones and it occurs naturally. However, the normal range of this gap is between 3 to 5 millimeters. If the gap is greater than 5mm then this condition will be characterized as an overbite.

Extensive and prolonged use of a pacifier worsens the condition and so do habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and/or breathing from the mouth.


Crossbite is a condition that may involve a single tooth or multiple teeth. A crossbite is when the lower tooth overlap the upper tooth Usually, crossbites are directly related to the narrowness of upper jaw and it can occur in the front or any of the other sides of the mouth.

When crossbite happens, one or more teeth may start tilting either toward the cheek or towards the tongue. Either way, this tilting affects the alignment of other teeth and paves way for different oral health issues such as teeth wear, bone loss and gum diseases. It must be noted that crossbite may occur on one or both sides of the jaw. Due to this condition, the jaw bone becomes excessively burdened and comes under stress.

Crossbites are also hereditary in nature because the tooth and jaw bone shapes are governed by genes. However, crossbite may develop if the baby teeth loss is delayed or new teeth emerge abnormally. Habits like careless chewing style and thumb sucking worsen the condition.


Early orthodontic intervention may be required to shift teeth into an ideal position or to guide the growth of the jawbone If the condition is ignored surgery may be required. So, you must consult your dentist to consider the appropriate treatment and correct the abnormal growth or tilting of teeth.

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Is Deep Cleaning Good or Bad for Gum Disease?

Deep cleaning” often means scaling and root planing to a dentist or periodontist. Scaling is the process by which plaque (bacteria and food mixture) and calculus (tartar or mineralized plaque deposits) are removed from both supragingival (above the gum) and subgingival (below the gum) tooth surfaces.

Root planing involves removing plaque, calculus and smoothing rough root surfaces with fine scalers and ultrasonic instruments. This “planes” the roots under the gum to provide a smooth, clean surface to which the gums can reattach. After treatment, the goal is for the gingival (gum) tissue will become tight, pink, and healthy, with no bleeding or redness. Hopefully, the pockets that have formed between the teeth and the gums will shrink, reducing the need for surgical intervention.

Root planing is a treatment approach for gum and periodontal disease. However, the patient must be aware of certain issues:

  • After root planing, teeth can become temporarily sensitive to cold air or cold liquids.
  • After treatment, the gums will shrink as they get healthy and spaces between the teeth may develop. You may also experience gum recession on the outside surfaces of some of your teeth, but either situation is better than leaving gum disease insufficiently treated.
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Does Dental Cleaning Hurt?

People should visit the dentist every six months for preventative care. These twice-yearly visits typically include an examination of the teeth and mouth, X-rays and a cleaning. Teeth can get plaque build-up even in individuals who brush them after every meal. The cleaning gets rid of this debris. Most patients do not have major discomfort during dental cleanings, but some experience tooth pain afterward.

Root planning involves smoothing the root surfaces and taking out any infected areas. This process is necessary in people with gum disease who develop deep pockets around their teeth. The pockets collect tartar deposits that have to be removed. The deep cleaning may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary to get rid of potentially harmful bacteria. People with sensitive teeth may feel some tooth pain during a deep dental cleaning. Their gums may also hurt, depending on the depth of the pockets they have developed.


People who are especially sensitive or who have severe gum disease can prevent pain by asking for anesthetic. The dentist can inject a numbing drug to eliminate both tooth and gum pain. Topical anesthetics can also be applied, but they only reduce gum pain. The teeth will still feel sensations because the numbing agent does not have a deep enough reach.

Time Frame:

Tooth pain from a dental cleaning is usually limited to the time frame of the cleaning itself. Hot or cold temperatures will cause tooth pain until the effect wears off, and the gums may also be sore. Over-the-counter pain killers are usually sufficient to manage the discomfort.

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Read more about the article Does Teeth Whitening Cause Teeth Sensitivity?
Healthy woman teeth and a dentist mouth mirror

Does Teeth Whitening Cause Teeth Sensitivity?

Teeth whitening is one way to brighten your smile. It is a procedure that can be accomplished either in the dental office or at your own home. The downside to whitening your teeth is the sensitivity that sometimes develops. The properties of hydrogen peroxide – one of the main ingredients in most tooth whitening products may irritate the tooth nerve.

Tooth sensitivity is experienced as a rush or wave of pain usually as a response to cold air or water. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity then you may want to re-consider a whitening regime. However, there maybe ways to combat this issue and still allow yourself to whiten your teeth.

  • Follow the instructions of your dentist when using a professional product or the manufacturer’s instructions for the over the counter products. Never whiten your teeth for longer than recommended.
  • Sometimes just giving your teeth a short break between treatments can help to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Taking pain killers can help reduce the symptoms if taken before applying the whitening product. Taking it ahead of time may prevent the symptoms from surfacing.
  • See if you are using a product with a lower peroxide level.
  • Limit the cold drinks and foods while you are whitening.
  • Overuse of whitening products can also cause sensitivity. When used to excess, they have the potential to make your teeth very sensitive or even damage them.

If you tend to have teeth sensitive to whitening, talk with your dentist about the options available to you. If you try a product and experience painful sensitivity, stop using it immediately and consult with a dental professional. You and your dentist can decide together what product would best for you.

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Connection between Oral and Overall Health

Although seeing a dentist is no substitute for a visit to a physician, regular dental checkups can reveal much about your overall health. If a dentist finds a potential health issue, he or she can refer you to a physician for follow-up.

Studies have shown that people with moderate or advanced gum (periodontal) disease are more likely to have cardiovascular disease (CVD) or heart disease than those with healthy gums. Although gum disease seems to be associated with heart disease, more studies are needed. But we do know that regular dental checkups, professional cleanings and good oral hygiene practices can improve oral health and that good oral health contributes to good overall health.

Studies show that people with diabetes are more susceptible to tooth loss and the development of gum (periodontal) disease and other oral health problems. Diabetes can slow the healing process and lower resistance to infections, including oral infections. Maintenance of good oral health through regular dental visits and appropriate treatment of gum problems is critical for people with diabetes.

Dentists also screen for oral cancer and other cancers of the head and neck, including skin cancer, cancer of the jaw bone and thyroid cancer, during routine checkups. Survival rates greatly increase if oral cancer is discovered earlier and treated. During your dental visit, you can ask your dentist to do an oral cancer screening. Also, periodic self-examinations can increase your chances of detecting oral cancer, so be sure to examine your face, cheeks, jaw and neck regularly for any changes or lumps.

Several studies have shown an association between periodontal disease and an adverse outcomes in pregnancy such as premature deliveries, fetal growth restrictions, and other complications.

The oral cavity may serve as a source for early detection for other medical concerns. For example, lesions in the mouth may be the first indication of HIV infection and may be used to determine the staging and progression of AIDS.

Visiting a dentist regularly can help you maintain your oral health. A dentist’s exam may detect poor nutrition and hygiene and oral cancer, as well as provide clues to your overall health and well-being. Also, brush and floss every day.

It is important for you and your family to provide your dentist with complete medical and dental histories and to inform your dentist of any recent health developments, including the use of over-the-counter medications and diet supplements, even if they seem unrelated to oral health. Why? Because some health conditions can even affect how dental care is provided.


  • Stewart R, West M. Increasing Evidence for an Association between Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation 2016.
  • Luo H, Pan W, Sloan F, Feinglos M, Wu B. Forty-Year trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults with and without Diabetes Mellitus: An Age-Period Cohort Analysis. Prev Chronic Dis 2015;12:150309
  • Paquette D. Periodontal Disease and the Risk for Adverse pregnancy outcomes. Grand Rounds in Oral-Sys Med 2006; 4:14-24.
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Want to Change the Shape of your Teeth?

Keeping your teeth clean and cavity free is indeed important, but the fact your teeth are healthy doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be ecstatic with their appearance. Genetics may provide you with teeth that are crooked, oddly shaped or that have large gaps between them. Or perhaps the appearance of your teeth has been altered from physical trauma or as a result of teeth grinding.

Whatever the reason, some people want to change the shape of their teeth. Maybe they want their teeth to be longer, or they want to close a gap between the front teeth. The good news is that, there are several dental services that allow you to choose the best option for you based on your unique dental needs and personal preferences.

In order to change the shape of your teeth, dentists use crowns, dental bonding, veneers, or they recontour your teeth.

Treatment options:

  • A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over teeth. When crowns are put in, they fully encase the tooth so that only the crown is visible, which allows a dentist to make the crown in the shape of desirable teeth.
  • Dental bonding, on the other hand, is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the tooth’s surface. The resin is then hardened with a special light, which will bond the material to the tooth.
  • Veneers can also be to change the shape of teeth. They are very thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials that are designed to cover just the front surface of teeth.
  • Recontouring or reshaping of the teeth is a procedure that involves small amounts of tooth enamel being removed to change a tooth’s length, shape or surface.
  • All of these options have different costs, different levels of durability, and different amounts of time to complete.

Contact Expressions Dental if you want to discuss how to change the shape of your teeth using one of the methods mentioned here.

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Read more about the article How to Fix Gap between Front Teeth?

How to Fix Gap between Front Teeth?

  • A mismatch between the size of the jaw bones and the size of the teeth can cause either extra space between teeth or crowding of teeth. If the teeth are too small for the jaw bone, spaces between the teeth will occur.
  • Sometimes some teeth are missing or undersized. This happens most often with the upper lateral incisors. That can cause spaces to develop in the upper teeth.
  • Habits can also lead to gaps between the teeth. Thumb sucking tends to pull the front teeth forward, creating gaps.
  • Spaces can develop from an incorrect swallowing reflex. For most people, the tongue presses against the roof of the mouth (palate) during swallowing. Some people develop a different reflex known as a tongue thrust. When they swallow, the tongue presses against the front teeth. Over time the pressure will push the front teeth forward. This can cause spaces to develop.

Children may have temporary gaps as their baby teeth fall out. Most of these spaces close as the permanent teeth reach their final positions.


  • Some people get braces, which move the teeth together. If your lateral incisors are too small, your dentist may suggest widening them using crowns, veneers or bonding.
  • If you have a space because you are missing teeth, you might need more extensive dental repair. This might include dental implants, a bridge or a partial denture.
  • If the gap is caused by periodontal disease, then periodontal treatment by a dentist or gum specialist (periodontist) is necessary. When gum health is restored, in many cases braces can be used to move the teeth into place.

In many cases, a gap between the front teeth in the upper jaw will close by itself. An oral health professional or orthodontist should be able to advise about the need for treatment for a child from about 10 or 11 years of age.

If you have a space between your teeth or see one in your child’s mouth, contact Expressions Dental™. Our general dentists will help determine the reason for the space and will provide treatment options.

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