Alternatives to Dental Veneers

If you are thinking of veneers as a possible way to make your teeth look better, it is good to first consider all the available options.

Here are some basic choices for the patients looking for brighter smile:

  • Tooth whitening – This is a conservative way to remove tooth discolorations. The basic structure of your teeth remains unchanged. Not all stains can be whitened with this approach. This approach will only provide a color change for your teeth, so if their alignment or shape isn’t already pleasing, it’s not the right solution.
  • Micro abrasion – It is a process where a thin outer layer of tooth enamel that contains blemishes is abraded and eroded away. It involves the use of a coarse polishing compound mixed with 5 to 10% hydrochloric acid.
  • Reshaping – Some patients choose to have their teeth actually reshaped in order to improve the look of their mouths. This is generally not effective for changing discolored teeth, but it is a similar service that some patients consider as opposed to filling in gaps with porcelain veneers.
  • Porcelain crowns – These are a good solution for teeth that are damaged, misshapen or decayed. Crowns can be used alone or with dental bridges and dental implants. A crown will improve a tooth’s size, shape, strength and appearance.

If any of these procedures sounds like something that could help you improve your smile, talk to our general dentists at Expressions Dental about these dental treatments and the risks and benefits.

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Tips To Take Care of Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers do not require any special care. But you can take good care of them with proper oral hygiene, flossing and routine cleanings.

Home care:

Porcelain is stain resistant, however, the resin composite cement used to bond to the teeth can be susceptible to stain. Alcoholic beverages soften the surface of the resin, increasing the likelihood of staining and wear. Aggressive tooth brushing can wear away the glaze on the veneer. Avoid frequent carbohydrate intake and increase home flossing to maintain your veneers in good condition. Also avoid highly abrasive toothpastes, as you may lose the shiny lustre of the veneer.

During visit to a dentist’s clinic:

Your hygienist will be conservative with power polishing equipment. It can remove the glaze layer put on veneer. Once the glaze layer is removed, it cannot be reapplied. With the glaze intact, porcelain is resistant to stain.

If you have any questions about porcelain veneers, contact Expressions Dental.

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Life Span of Dental Veneers

It is difficult to put a number of years for a lifespan for porcelain veneers. Everyone’s mouth is different.

If you are using veneers you should avoid certain things such as:

  • Biting pins or other metal objects, which may chip an edge of veneers
  • Power polishing of veneers. By doing this, the surface can become rough and porous and the porcelain veneers will then stain very easily
  • Frequent snacking, which can lead to cavities on the edges
  • Clenching and grinding your teeth

The chances of longer life span depends on your oral habits, your occlusion and how well you maintain oral hygiene.

If you would like to learn more about porcelain veneers, contact Expressions Dental. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve optimal dental health.

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Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of the tooth, for aesthetic purposes. It is like an artificial covering over a tooth surface.

Pros of wearing a veneer:

  • Aesthetic.
  • Stain resistant.
  • Minimal tooth preparation.
  • Covers up imperfections in tooth.


  • It is an irreversible procedure.
  • Fragility of the veneer.
  • Teeth sensitivity may occur after placing the veneer.
  • De-bonding of the veneer may occur when you bite hard food stuff.
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Procedure of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are customized shells made of porcelain that fit over your teeth to improve their appearance and can be matched to adjacent teeth.


  • You can expect to make a preliminary office visit at which your dentist will take x-rays and examine your teeth to see if veneers is an option for you.
  • The dentist trims about half a millimeter of the tooth enamel to prepare for the veneers. Then he or she takes an impression or mold of your teeth to send to a lab to prepare the veneers, which takes about one to two weeks. You will leave with temporary veneers.

  • When the veneers are ready, your dentist checks the fit and color of the veneers and prepares the tooth (or teeth) by cleaning them thoroughly and then roughening the tooth surface to improve the adhesion of the veneer. The veneer is attached to the tooth with a special cement, then ultraviolet light is used to harden it.

You should just follow a your regular oral hygiene routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to take care for your veneers.

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When to Consider Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.

What Problems Do Veneers Take Care of?

  • Teeth discoloration – This is a condition where a tooth changes from its natural color. It can be the result of many factors. Certain foods and drinks like wine, cola, coffee and tea can be major contributors in teeth staining. Also, poor dental hygiene can cause discoloration. Lack of proper brushing and flossing affects the enamel and the dentin, leading to a build-up of plaque that causes this condition. In addition, there are some medications, if used for a long period, can result in teeth staining. Other causes may be genetic discoloration or staining may be covered by the use of dental veneers.
  •  Chipped or broken teeth – Many things can cause teeth breaking such as, accidents, fighting, sports, teeth grinding, eating ice or other hard foods, etc.
  • Irregularly and unevenly shaped teeth – Most causes of this condition start very early in a life. They include inherited conditions, injuries, failure to restore a missing or misaligned tooth, continuous biting of nails affecting jaw muscles etc.
  • A gap between front teeth – One can use dental veneers to close the gap.
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