Gaps Between Teeth: Causes and Solutions

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Gaps between teeth are commonly seen among adults and kids. Though not harmful, the undesirable space may make one self-conscious, especially when they smile. If the gap is large enough, your teeth may become misaligned, causing problems with your bite or trigger pain. There are multiple dental treatments that can treat the condition and give you an aligned dental arch.

Causes of gaps between teeth

In children
Gaps between children’s teeth are normal. As the adult teeth grow, this space is likely to be filled, thus closing the gaps. However, parents should keep a frequent check on their child’s oral health regardless of the gap.

In adults
The condition in adults is called a diastema and may be a result of a larger jaw. If your jaw is too big, your teeth may not be large enough to fill up space, which may cause your teeth to spread out and leave space in between teeth. Typically, this gap is seen between the front upper two teeth, but it can appear anywhere in the mouth between two teeth.

Self-inflicted behavior
Some habits can develop gaps between teeth. Thumb sucking in childhood tends to push the front teeth forward causing space. Another reason is improper swallowing reflex. As many people thrust their tongue against the roof of their mouth while swallowing it can result in gaps, and doing this persistently for a longer time will push the front teeth forward and produce gaps.

Tumor growths
A gap may incur due to a tumor in your mouth and this requires immediate medical attention. It is recommended you visit your dentist if you see any abnormal movement of teeth in your mouth.

Gum disease
More common than it seems, gum disease can have a severe impact on the jaw bones and may cause it to deteriorate over time. Weak bones will cause the teeth to loosen and gaps can occur.

Solutions to fix gaps between teeth


Although there are different dental ways to fix space, your dentist will recommend what is right for your needs. Usually, the gaps can be treated with orthodontic treatment but in severe cases, you may have to undergo other treatments as well. Some possible treatments are:

Teeth bonding
Teeth bonding is a composite dental filling used to fill the gaps. A resin-based material resembling the color of your teeth is molded and shaped to match the shape and size of your teeth, giving it a more natural look.

Braces and Retainers
Braces are used to physically move the teeth and close the gaps.

If the gap is too big to be treated with bonding or other treatments, your dentist may suggest veneers. Dental veneers are porcelain shells that fit over your teeth. It is like an artificial nail fixed over a finger. Veneers are designed to match the hue, shape, and size of your teeth, which is later placed over the surface of your teeth. The tooth is sculpted to create a base for the veneer to fit in. Your dentist will then use an adhesive to snugly fix the porcelain shell over the tooth.

Good oral hygiene
If the gap has resulted due to gum disease, your dentist may recommend periodontal treatment and more frequent dental visits. You will also need to practice good oral home care.

These treatments can help you close the unwanted gaps between teeth and to avoid the issue from coming back, make sure to follow the guidelines your dentist suggested.

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